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Expanding my mommy friends

Saturday I got my mommy day.... I was able to go with a friend to get our toe nails done! She is currently pregnant with her 2nd and due this Spring and their first child is a few months younger than our oldest so we are excited to have our youngest two close in age too. We shared stories of delivery and pregnancies. I had a rough week last week so I had already determined I wasn't going to overly share about 2 under 2 as I didn't want to scare her. But our conversations were great! Even after our nails were done we just sat and chatted for a hour about life, our husbands (her husband is a fire fighter so we connect on the first responder life style), and our kids. We agreed that we had to get the boys together again for more play dates!!! It was good to see how I can connect with different moms no matter what is going on in our lives. Truly their is no one else that will understand the late nights, the guilt, the laughter, the love, the struggles.... moms just get each other! Over the past couple years I keep reminding myself of this when i speak with other people. I don't know what they have been through so i need to watch what i say.... and if they tell me something i can relate to if I share advice I always make sure to state that it worked for us but every family and every baby is different.

I also recently reconnected with a childhood friend. We have been friends on Facebook forever but I reached out to her about some hair products she sales. Obviously being pregnant and/or nursing for the past 3 years has taken its toll on my hair so I was in desperate need. I talked to my husband and we decided that with my new year's resolution of taking care of myself it was important to consider these products and then decided that I needed to join in and sell it myself. So i spent a few days chatting with this friend. And then we talked on the phone one night.... it was about 5 minutes about the program and what i should start with and about 45 minutes about life. Husbands, kids, cleaning, working...... IT WAS AMAZING!!! I forgot how much we got along and had in common and even though it was (cough) 15 years ago (cough) that we cheered together in school it was like we hadn't missed a day. I honestly don't know why I didn't reach out to her sooner!!! We have so many great memories of trips, cheering, etc from when we were younger!!!!

And right now in life I needed that phone conversation!!! I needed to be heard, understood, and related too.... we both still had our Christmas trees up, both had a disaster of a kitchen, both had so much laundry to do but took the extra time to talk with each other since the kids were asleep and we had a minute. We have the same outlook..... "I could give zero f*@%$ ... nobody comes to my house anyways" We laughed and understood each other. Now we message and chat almost every day. Whether it be about the hair products, our kids, our husbands, or just a funny GIF we found and wanted to share! I love having my zero F*@%$ friend and I so wish we lived closer to each other!!! So reach out to that person ... you never know it could be your saving grace that week!

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