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My Story

A woman surrounded by boys.... wife to a police officer and mother of 2 adorable sons. 

I grew up with two very loving parents but the road that was traveled for them to be able to provide for me was something very non-traditional that unfortunately a lot of youth experience. My biological parents divorced and were both pretty lacking in the parenting skills area. My grandparents took me in at a very young age to give me a safe place to live. Once i was in middle school we moved along with the process to make them my legal parents as they had already been my parents in every other way for years. With their love and support I was able to make something of my life. 

Out of high school i made some life lesson choices that led me to some toxic friendships and relationships. I worked at least 2 jobs and attended college until I graduated with 2 bachelor degrees. I decided to move on to graduate school mostly to get out of town and try to escape the small town and friendships that were still weighing me down. I blossomed in grad school.... i loved it and started to realize who the real me was. I was so busy trying to make sure everyone else in my life was happy and pleased I had completely neglected myself. Once i was done with grad school I let a work friend know that i was ready to start dating and asked if the blind date she wanted to set me up on was still an option. 

That blind date was the best date i have ever been on. He was a gentlemen the whole time, our conversation never ended and there was no awkwardness, and he was very attractive. We talked until 4am that date and before the date was over we already had our 2nd and 3rd date planned. I knew he was a keeper when he invited me to the Cards vs Cubs game! (he is the cubs fan and I am the cards fan... we have fun with it) We were inseparable from that date on..... no seriously we have spent maybe 10 days away from each other. We just clicked and it felt like we had known each other forever. Don't get me wrong we have had our ups and downs.... we disagree but we don't really fight.... we don't yell or scream... we don't call each other names.... we get frustrated and we may do the silent treatment (me ) but we end up talking and working it out. I believe that is the strength in our relationship .... that along with the fact that we have a lot in common but have our own interest too. We moved into our first home 9 months into our relationship, engaged 14 months into the relationship (absolutely amazing proposal), married 3 years into the relationship, had our first son 2 years after we married, and our second son just 17 months after. Yes we are on the fast track .... but honestly when you know you know and with us both being in our 30s we didn't want to wait too long for kids. My second son was  a little quicker than we planned but he is our Blessing and can't imagine life without him now. 

So by the title of this blog I can assume you have guessed my husband is a police officer. I studied criminal justice in college and swore i would never date a cop...... welllllll But he is amazing at his job we met when he was in a specialty role as detective for domestic violence and i worked for the local shelter for women. It is definitely a life style that unless you live it or something close to it (military, firefighter, etc) you may understand but honestly you have no idea. I cried when he went back to patrol ... for so many reasons (back on the patrol beat is scary, he was working midnight shifts, and it was a change in our relationship) but i was determined it would make us stronger and it really did! As much as the job makes him who he is it has honestly made me the woman, wife, and mother that I am today. There is so much i can speak about being a wife to a police officer but i will break that down and write some interesting (I hope) blogs  about this. 

As for the Diaper part of the title.... yep that's the mommy part. And to be more specific we just joined the 2 under 2 group 7 weeks ago. Yes we have a big and now happy 7 week old son who joined his very loving, happy, and hilarious 18 month old brother. I absolutely love being a Mom! I truly believe that through the journey of finding my husband and becoming a mother I have found the comfortableness to be myself and found who i was truly meant to be. I may write some blogs on why this is so important to me... with my childhood and past its been a difficult journey but honestly this is the best me I have ever been able to shine through. Now I say my 7 week old is now happy because the first weeks of his life were trying. It was one thing after another; tongue and lip tie, reflux, colic, no sleep, a cold, constipation...... I feared I wasn't bonding with him because I was in sheer survival mode. About 6 weeks in he started to find a routine of some kind and his stomach calmed down on most days..... and then my baby smiled at me! My heart melted and I cried. We had both been so miserable and desperate for relief that it was the shining moment of mommyhood for me to see him smile! Now he is full of smiles and we have more good days than bad! Through this my toddler was amazing. He was his same old happy hilarious self.... just obsessed with his baby brother (BoBo is the name he gave him). He has to check on him, give him kisses, waves good night and bye bye to him. I didn't know i could have this much love in my heart! I have love for each of my children and so much love for my husband! Kids are trying and play a heavy part on your marriage. We are trying to find our balance now with 2 but over the past 7 weeks and even during my pregnancy my husband has been my teammate, my support, and my sanity. Now don't get me wrong we have our moments and he has his moments that drive me crazy.... trust me I will write blogs about this! But when the trying times pass I look over and see my husband right beside me... some days he is beside me holding me up, some days we are just enjoying the journey side by side, and some days he is beside me on his phone none stop driving my crazy..... but he is there and he loves our family with all his heart. What more could I ask for? 

On top of all this I also work full time. I am currently on maternity leave but return in 2 weeks. I don't want to go back because I know days are going to fly by and I will miss my boys. But I am also struggling to find time now for cleaning, cooking, and laundry..... what will i do when I am working all week? Somehow we will find our routine and manage but my goal in life is to help pay off enough of our debt to get down to needing to work only part time. Ideally then I can have a day a week to do house stuff and errands along with a day that i could spend with the boys one on one or a small mommy outing with both. I can dream right???? So you will probably see some blogs on these topics too.... working mom, debt, etc. 

I hope you enjoy this part of my life I started to give myself an outlet and some self care! i look forward to comments and questions. 


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