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I took a week off mentally and emotionally

Last week I think I was one inch away from a nervous break down. My husband picked up some extra shifts, had some other work stuff going on, and was just all around really busy. From this he became easily frustrated with the kids and when things weren't working out well. By Tuesday (yep 2 days into the week) I was so irritated with this attitude I wasn't speaking to him. He had gone rounds with our oldest and it basically set the whole mood of the family into horror. So the boys were both crabby for the car ride and I was just set in a bad mood for the day. While at work I thought to myself about how I didn't have the energy to explain this to my husband... to explain that yes I know as a police officer you came home from working all night but we are just starting our day and it sets the mood for us all when we get sent off like this. I had a ton of Christmas presents to wrap (all that were ordered online because there was no way I had time to shop and when Cyber Monday came around it was either purchase all then or buy nothing), the house was a mess, the laundry needed caught up again, I had to do dinner and bed time by myself several more times that week, and we desperately needed to go grocery shopping! My plan?!?!?! Panic..... move?......burn the house down????.....I chuckled to myself at my desk, took a deep breath and decided that this week I was going to be super mom... I was going to take on all tasks on my own and if my husband was able to help if he was home it would be a nice treat. I ordered groceries online during my lunch hour to be delivered to our house. One problem solved. I went in to beast mode at home.... dinner? Done.... Baths? done..... laundry? load thrown in.... presents? Too tired! I didn't talk much the rest of the week to my husband. I couldn't ... I didn't have the emotional or mental capability. I was back to survival mode. Then the weekend came..... The kids were fussing and whining.... they are 20 months and 3 months old kind of a given, right?!?!?! My husband looks at me and says (now brace yourself), "ughhhh i can't handle the whining...." Yep i lost it. I laughed, "ummm you haven't been home much this week soooooo suck it up." He blinked and stared at me, "I know... but it's still bad." And then I found the energy..."Ok I know last week was rough for you... you were busy and didn't get much sleep BUT I did everything at home, i worked all week, took care of the boys, and I got less sleep than you did. So when you come home in the mornings and go rounds with our oldest it sets the whole day for us three.... you get to go to bed and we have to deal the rest of the day. Then I come home after working all day and I don't get a break until they are both asleep at about 830. Sooooooo I don't care about the whining" At that point I could tell this was going to go the opposite direction. He became defensive and I just stopped him.... I started crying and explained to him everything that I was trying to keep together and that the Holidays coming up made it so much worse. That's when he got it! Sometimes he just needs to be reminded. He doesn't live it with me because we have different schedules and he can get things done in the afternoons before we get home. I knew talking it out would help but during the week I just didn't have the energy..... now I am glad i talked to him about it cause we have about 5 family gatherings, a week of closed daycare, and a crap ton of presents to wrap. I love the Holidays but Holidays with kids is HARD!!!

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